Sliding Fee Discount Program

United Community Health Center – Maria Auxiliadora, Inc. (UCHC) offers a Sliding Fee Scale to all income-eligible patients with a need for medical and/or dental services who do not currently have insurance or other means to pay for such services. Allowing qualifying patients to receive care at a lower cost. All applicants must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL).  Eligibility for the sliding fee scale will be established by determining the household size and the last 30 days of household gross income. This information must be updated annually.

No one is denied services solely based on their inability to pay.

Required documentation for UCHC SFDP

Household is defined as yourself (the applicant) your spouse, and children under the age of 18 that live in your home.  Gross Income: All money from all sources (before deductions) for the last thirty (30) days for each household member.

  • Pay stubs (preferred method) • Retirement/Pension
  • Disability award letter • Self-employment income i.e., income taxes and business ledger
  • Proof of any other type of income received
Patient Responsibility
  • Patient must complete the Sliding Fee Discount Program application
  • Re-certify every twelve (12) months providing updated information

Services Covered by UCHC Sliding Fee Discount Program

  • Unlimited well and sick visits
  • Primary care services, excluding obstetrical services.
  • Immunizations (for children 17 years old and younger)
  • Physicals (well woman, adult and child)
  • Behavioral Health Services 
  • Prescreening and intake for other State/Federal programs by our Certified Enrollment Assistors
    • AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System) AKA Medicaid
    • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) AKA Food Stamps
    • Kids Care (Children’s Health Insurance Program) AKA CHIP
    • Freedom to Work-Medical for Disabled adults
    • Medicare Cost Sharing-Assistance with Medicare premiums, deductibles, co-pays
    • Federal Marketplace Enrollment
    • TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) AKA Cash Assistance

Call 520-777-3912 to schedule your appointment.

PATIENT APPOINTMENTS – Please call the specific office location

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