United Community Health Center Leadership

United Community Health Center is carefully managed by a dedicated and experienced team who are constantly balancing keeping the mission alive, providing quality healthcare to everyone in our area regardless of their ability to pay, and generating the revenue needed to keep the organization afloat. This is a delicate balance to achieve and this group of business professionals has proven they have the skills, experience and ability to do just that.

Jon Reardon
Chief Executive Officer

Provider Headshot

Tarin Bynum Neal, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Tamie, Olson
Chief Financial Officer

Eric Black, DDS
Dental Director

Ryan Gillespie,
Facilities Director

Yesenia Padilla, LPN
Clinical Ops Director

Board of Directors

United Community Health Center is honored to have on its Board of Directors members from the communities we serve. Our Board meets monthly and manages a broad array of responsibilities including adopting policies, approving the annual operating and capital budgets, monitoring financial performance and working closely with the chief executive officer. These volunteers bring to our governance activities years of skills, a wide range of knowledge and proven expertise which assist the Management Team in developing long-term strategies designed to ensure that when the need is there, UCHC is ready to provide services and support.

Debbie Andrus


Ray Weisgarber

Vice- President 

Maria Esparza


Anne Gresham


Mary Ann Dobson


Ellen Rigli


Margarita Salcido


William Praust


Audrey Reida


Rosa Alvarez


Anna Tometczak


Peggy Runyon
