United Community Health Center Phone Numbers
Please call your local clinic to schedule an appointment.
Phones - Green Valley Area
UCHC at Freeport: 520-407-5400
UCHC at Continental Family Medical Center: 520-407-5900
Family Dental Care: 520-407-5617
UCHC at La Canada Pediatrics: 520-407-5800
UCHC at Green Valley: 520-407-5910

Phones - Other Locations
UCHC at Amado: 520-407-5510
UCHC at Arivaca: 520-407-5500
UCHC at Sahuarita Heights: 520-576-5770
UCHC at Three Points: 520-407-5700
UCHC at Old Vail Middle School: 520-762-5200
Contact United Community Health Center
To Make an Appointment
If you are a new patient and would like to make an appointment, or want to become a patient, please call our New Patient Registration by calling any of our clinics locations listed above and then enter in Ext 7605
If you are an existing patient and would like to make an appointment, reschedule an appointment, cancel an appointment, or schedule transportation, please call Patient Appointments by calling the number listed above corresponding to your local clinic, then press option 2
By Phone (Patient Services Directory)
To reach any of the departments listed below, call any one of our clinic locations listed above and then enter in the extension provided.
New Patient Registration: Ext 7605
Patient Account Services or to make a payment: Ext 7600 or direct at 520-407-5619
Patient Referral Services: Ext 7606
Medication Refills: Ext 7614 or direct at 520-300-5277
Medical Records: Ext 7607
For questions about our Sliding Fee Discount Program, Federal Health Insurance Marketplace or Arizona Health Cost Containment System (AHCCCS): Ext 7608 or direct at 520-777-3912
By Mail
United Community Health Center
Administration Office
1260 S. Campbell Road, Building 2
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Patient's Rights and Responsibilities Program
If you would like more information about your rights as a patient, please talk with your care team members. Patient Rights and Responsibilities Notices are posted in our clinics. If you would like a copy of these Rights and Responsibilities, please download a copy here.
We want to make sure you receive the best care possible. If you have a suggestion, concern, or compliment regarding your care; first speak to your care team, which includes your doctor, nurse, medical assistant or front desk receptionist first. If you need more assistance getting your problem resolved, please contact the UCHC Patient Advocacy program at (520) 407-5970.